At Oldham College we are passionate about ensuring there is a smooth transition for all of our care experienced students, including Children Looked After and Care Leavers.
We have a dedicated team to help provide all of the support you might require to enable you to enjoy college life, succeed and progress to the best of your ability.
Before you start with us, we can arrange visits to our campus and taster days to help you decide on the right course and to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident in the College community environment, whilst transitioning into post-16 education.
Transition Support
Our team will work closely with you and liaise with the relevant services you are working with to ensure you are receiving the appropriate support and guidance. We will attend all Personal Education Plan meetings, Child Looked After Reviews and Team Around the Child meetings to ensure a smooth transition. This will continue throughout your time here at the College.

The College can offer a wide range of support for Care Experienced students including:
- Financial support from our bursary team
- Careers advice. Careers advice is available throughout the whole student journey, with key points throughout the academic year to look at progression routes and options.
- Mental health and safeguarding support. Health and well-being plays a crucial role in succeeding. We have a dedicated team of experienced practitioners who can support you with this at any point of your educational journey.
- Personal development opportunities. We celebrate personal development and offer a variety of opportunities to enhance those softer skills that are vital to increasing progression and employment opportunities.
- A Personal Tutor who will be available to offer 1:1 guidance and support throughout your time with us and to discuss your future progression options.
National Network for the Education of Care Leavers Quality Mark

Oldham College are proud to have achieved the NNECL quality mark. NNECL are a national charity that support, connect and empower professionals working with care experienced people in different sectors, with the goal of enabling more care experienced people to access and progress successfully through further and higher education.
Contact Us
Oldham College named staff for Care Experienced students:
Oldham College Designated Tutor – Emma Coppinger
Oldham College Care Experienced Lead – David Littlewood
Please contact: